REF – How To – ‘Set Screen Options’

Clearing Screen Clutter

Up at the top right corner of the admin screens you will see a button called “Screen Options” – each screen has different contents but we can remove the stuff that you won’t need to make life a bit easier…

On login you should end up on the “Dashboard


Select Screen Options – You do not need Quick Draft or WordPress News so you can deselect them. You might want to keep At a Glance if you want to count the posts – otherwise de-select…   The activity may come in handy so we can keep that selected…   Now Close the Screen Options button –


Now select Posts – this shows you the list of posts so far – again – Select Options…   You will most likely not be using Tags, Comments, Focus Keyword so they are safe to un-tick. And close (BTW If you make a fluff you can always go back in a select it again)

Now select a Post so we can see the Page Edit screen 9 (Hover over 55M – Willerby Westmorland and select Edit)


Screen Options: You will not be using Custom Settings, Post Settings, Revisions, Send Trackbacks, Author, Discussion, or Tags

You WILL be using WordPress SEO by Yoast, Excerpt, Categories and Featured Image Close Screen Options…

Go to Pages (List) – and do the same thing removing Comments and Focus Keyword

Then hover over a page title to Edit it – Screen Options – You can probably get by with just the WordPress SEO by Yoast and switch everything else off for the moment.